– Case marathon: € 500,00 and a certificate (winner chosen by the attendees)
– E-Poster: € 250,00 and a certificate (winner chosen by the scientific committee)
Please carefully read and follow the guidelines stated below.
Abstracts not conforming to these guidelines will not be considered for any presentation.
– Case marathon: € 500,00 and a certificate (winner chosen by the attendees)
– E-Poster: € 250,00 and a certificate (winner chosen by the scientific committee)
We recommend that the format for an abstract follows the following outlines:
2.Material and Methods
4.Discussion and Conclusion
Receipt of the abstract will be acknowledged by email- immediately after submission.
The Scientific Committee will determine whether the abstract will be accepted as case marathon and an e-poster presentation. Authors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of their abstract by email after a revision of an international scientific commission.
If you need more clarifications regarding the Abstract Submission Procedure, please contact [email protected]
Case marathons are spaces of 30 minutes within the scientific programme where case reports of 10 minutes each are presented by three different speakers.
Each case marathon speaker must, submit an abstract using the specific form for case marathons indicating:
– type of malocclusion,
– type of mechanics used with any auxiliaries, treatment times, and short treatment evaluation after analyzing pre-post cephalometric tracings and overlaps.
Participants in the Congress will vote for the best cases that will receive an award!